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Roth Hydraulics invites all international sales partners to the company headquarters

Various markets, one goal: Greater efficiency and resource conservation

Getting to know each other, exchanging ideas, and looking forward together: The hydraulic accumulator specialist Roth Hydraulics invited all its international sales partners to a three-day meeting at its headquarters in central Hesse.

A total of 20 managing directors and sales managers from hydraulic companies across twelve countries and four continents attended the "International Partner Meeting." "This positive response and high level of participation surprised us," said Roth Hydraulics Sales Director and authorized signatory Monika Schwab. She initiated the global meeting to create a shared understanding of Roth Hydraulics' processes, competencies, and structures. "However, the main goal was to get to know each other better to address the respective priorities, needs, and requirements in customer relationships even better," explained Monika Schwab, who was particularly pleased that sales partners from India and South Africa also attended.

Efficiency is key

The Roth Hydraulics team also prepared several workshops, focusing on growth potential and building a global service network. "One thing became very clear," reported Roth Hydraulics officials, "despite the diversity of markets and customers, the focus is always on efficiency, resource conservation, and sustainability." In these areas, the hydraulic accumulator specialist, which is part of the Roth Industries group, sees itself well-positioned: "Our systems make a decisive contribution to efficiently storing hydraulic energy and making it available again.", emphasized Managing Director Frank Fuchs. "The scalability of our products helps us to respond specifically to the respective customer requirements."

Authorized signatory and Sales Director Monika Schwab added, "Together with our international partners, we will continue to work on our potential in order to meet customer requirements even better."